The SYF forum is closed to new members as there are no opportunities open to new participation at the current time and I'm not sure if there will be for sometime. If you'd like me to send you an email when the forum is open to new members again then then please contact the admin at: forum-admin@ (please remove the space in the email address to make it valid), please add the subject 'New member enquiry' (without the 'quotes') and in the message include your name and I'll get back to you when the forum membership is open again, which may not be for a few months or so.
CPL invite only: If you're in the CPL opportunity and have been sent here by your sponsor who is an existing member of this forum, then please follow the joining procedure below to create an account, the forum will then send you an email asking why you have joined. Reply to that email saying you are in the CPL opportunity and give the first and last name of your sponsor (the person who referred you to the CPL opportunity) and also your first and last name. If the sponsor name matches the existing member and they confirm you are their sponsor in it, then I will activate your account and also give you access to our private CPL area.
Membership and Guidelines.
We are a private and trusted forum / community and prefer users to register with their first name, a space and then a username in brackets. i.e. firstname<space>(username). This will allow people to address each other in a more friendly manner and also be able to recognise each other from other forums by their username (if they don't have a username then they can make a new one). So please use the "firstname (username)" format, with brackets, letters and / or numbers only (i.e. no special characters) when creating a username. We understand that some organisations may find it hard to do this and may not be able to follow the format, which is not compulsory.
Examples for the username format to use in this forum are as follows:
Existing Username -> Firstname/s -> Ideal Format for this Forum
Investor -> Steve -> Steve (Investor)
JohnSmith -> John -> John (JohnSmith)
No username yet -> Anita -> Anita (makeup a username)
Please also use the correct capitalisation, thanks.
Note for existing forum members (only): Please do not be concerned if you did not use the username format recommended above.
How to Join.
Please note: Only join if you are already in the CPL opportunity and please follow the requirement in the details at the 'CPL invite only' section above, any new registrations not following the CPL opportunity requirements (as above) will not be activated and will be removed after 24 hours without any further communication.
Whilst being able to read the procedures below and register then it will be easier to open the registration form in a new browser window (or tab). Details on how to do this are shown in step 1 (below).
Authorisation Number required on the sign-up page is: 2386 (please enter only this number and no extra spaces.) If you are having any problems joining the forum then please contact the admin at: forum-admin@ (please remove the space in the email address to make it valid), please also add a subject such as 'New member sign-up query' (without the 'quotes') or what your message relates to, include all details, thank you.
1. Please read (or be familiar with) all sections below first, then return to this section and open this registration page link in new window or tab (via right click / tap + hold menus), then use that browser window or tab to register in whilst referring to the information below. When registering then please use the "Firstname<space>(Username)" format for username (as shown above). Please also use the correct capitalisation i.e. John (Username), Not john (username), thank you. Also remember that you may end up with a space in your username i.e. John<space>(Username) and when you login you enter all of this from J to ) including the space. It's far easier to Copy & Paste your login details 'exactly' as they are shown in the registration emails that the forum will send you or use a secure auto login tool (most web-browsers now have this built into them).
2. Email address to use to register here: Please note that all the following can't be used to join this forum due to problems with them in that they are NOT business friendly (i.e. they reject forum emails / updates) or that they are often used by spammers (this applies mainly to the extensions and domains shown). It is recommended that you use an email address that accepts most email from other website services, such as (no cost to use), the forum will also send you an email after joining so if you don't get this then please check your spam filters and try again or use another email address. If you need to re-join due to non delivery of the forum email then you can email the forum admin via the email link above, quoting the username you tried to register with and asking them to remove your failed entry, then you'll be able to re-register with the same username.
Note: * in the following means a wildcard, (meaning anything could be where * is shown).
Extensions currently not allowed (banned) (email domain ends with)
*@*.gov* (anything with .gov in it, hence no government email addresses, see below to use a private email address.)
*@*.mil* (anything with .mil in it, hence no military email addresses, see below to use a private email address.)
Note: Due to the prevention of spam attacks there are now too many banned extensions to list here and if you get a message that the email address you're trying to use is not allowed or banned and don't think it should be, meaning you use it at many other forums and websites, then please email the forum admin (email link above) and inform them about the email address you are trying to use, alternatively please consider using a free Gmail address.
Domains currently not allowed (banned) as they reject forum emails (email ends with)
Note: Due to the prevention of spam attacks there are now too many banned domains to list here and if you get a message that the email address you're trying to use is not allowed or banned and don't think it should be, meaning you use it at many other forums and websites, then please email the forum admin (email link above) and inform them about the email address you are trying to use, alternatively please consider using a free Gmail address.
3. To protect all users, then once you have registered you will have to wait for an admin to give you authorisation, which should be approved within 24hrs (normally within a few hours). If you don't receive the email then your email service has it's spam settings too high and it may be in a junk folder, if not then your email service is not business friendly, hence the reason to use Gmail as mentioned above.
If you get stuck as you haven't received the verification email within a few hours, then please obtain a free Gmail address (account) and send an email from it to the forum admin (email address in the link in the register / sign-up page or use the link above). In your message then quote the username you signed up with and the original email address you used. We will then replace your email entry with your Gmail address, activate your account and email you via the Gmail address to say that this has been done so you can then login to the forum.
Guidelines and Rules for using this forum
1) Please note that this Forum is used as a resource centre as opposed to a chat forum and so we do not allow advertising in posts.
2) Effective posting: The Forum is also intended to be businesslike so please post as neatly as you can and with the correct punctuation, if you can't make time to proof read posts before posting then please don't post. To allow the posts to be more readable then please stick to normal text with correct punctuation (just as these sections are written) and refrain from the use of too much bold and capitals, both of which can be taken as shouting if used excessively and will push the reader away (the opposite of what you want), the use of too much colour text can also have this effect. If you want to emphasise a word (or words) then it is far more effective to use 'appostohes' on either side or even "quotes" rather than to put it in all bold or caps.
If I made any words bold or all caps in this text then you could be too focused on them and easily miss other words, hence the real message would not come across as it was intended to. Please think about how the reader reads (which is also how you read) rather than how you think it should be written, as it can make all your written communications so much more effective if you think more about the reader, that's why professionally written articles can be so much more powerful, remember "less is more" and so please try and invite people to read rather than trying to make them read, there is a big difference and is why so many struggle to get results from their online communications.
3) Please be sure to read back in the threads before posting, even just recent posts, so that you don't make duplicate posts with similar content that is already posted. This will help keep the forum much more organized.
4) Be nice. If someone posts something you don't like, please don't flame them just because you don't like it or you don't agree with them.
5) DO NOT send Spam via PM Emails (the email button) as you will be banned with no exception.
6) Please do not be a troll on this board. There is a large difference between stating your opinion and bringing a constant negative attitude to the forums.
7) Please do not spread lies and rumors! Please use caution when stating something about a program if you are not sure what the TRUTH is.
Please Enjoy using the Secure Your Future Forum.
Regards ...John

"Secure Your Future" (SYF) Forum and Site Admin at